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Preserving Heritage Hues: KEIM Paint Restoration in Adelboden Swimming Pool

A Historic Gem in Alpine Splendor

Nestled in the breathtaking Canton of Berne in Switzerland, the Adelboden alpine swimming pool stands as a testament to architectural and engineering prowess. Constructed in the 1930s by designer and engineer Beda Hefti, this outdoor pool was part of a post-war initiative to enhance public leisure infrastructure in tourist destinations, fostering a revival of the tourism industry. The original structure, adorned with vibrant colors, exemplified a spirit of vitality and playfulness, reflecting the modern architectural style against the stunning backdrop of the Swiss mountains.

Evolution Over the Decades

The initial complex comprised a swimming pool, diving tower, music pavilion, children’s pool, change rooms, café, and an entry structure. While the main elements endured the test of time, successive renovations saw the removal of deteriorating concrete structures. Unfortunately, the repainting during these renovations disregarded the original color scheme and design intent. Recognizing its historical significance, the building earned preservation classification in 2009, prompting meticulous efforts to restore Adelboden’s swimming pool to its former grandeur.

Discovering Heritage Beneath Layers

During conservation endeavors, the restorers unearthed the original KEIM 2K pure mineral paints beneath layers of more recent coatings. Remarkably, the original paint colors aligned with KEIM color swatches from as early as 1928, reaffirming the historical accuracy of the restoration. Developed by Adolf Wilhelm Keim in 1878, the original mineral paint, based on quartz, consists of color pigments and potassium water glass. This pure silicate paint, reliant on a mineral substrate, undergoes silicification during setting, forming a robust bond with the substrate. The direct reflection of light on the pigments imparts brilliance and a distinctive crystalline glow to the colors.

Revitalizing with KEIM Expertise

The contemporary restoration of the swimming pool structures involved meticulous processes. Flaking and faded paints were expertly removed, and plaster and concrete substrates underwent necessary repairs. The application of KEIM paints, specifically the Mineral Paint for Concrete – KEIM Concretal®-W, revitalized the buildings, reinstating the original vibrancy and exuberance. The project enlisted the expertise of architect Daniel Büschlen, monument preservationist Fabian Schwarz, restorer Roger Tinguely, and the skilled team at FarbX GmbH, led by Beat Pieren.

Preserving Legacy with UV Protection

This restoration not only rejuvenated the architectural marvel but also preserved the historical essence. The application of KEIM paints ensures UV protection, safeguarding the vivid hues against the Alpine elements. Adelboden Swimming Pool stands not just as a revitalized structure but as a living testament to the meticulous restoration efforts that breathe life into architectural heritage.

Architecture: Daniel Büschlen, akkurat bauatelier, Thun
Preservation of Monuments: Fabian Schwarz, Canton Office for the Preservation of Monuments Bern
Restorer: Roger Tinguely, Restaurator HFG, Steffisburg
Paintwork: FarbX GmbH, Beat Pieren, Adelboden
Products: Mineral Paint for Concrete – KEIM Concretal®-W
Application and Use in Construction: Exterior / Outdoor
Properties: UV Protection

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