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Disney Heirs Defend Bob Iger and Criticize Activist Investors

In a show of solidarity, the grandchildren of Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney penned open letters to shareholders, voicing their support for CEO Bob Iger and condemning the actions of “activist investors” such as Nelson Peltz. These letters, signed collectively by eight Disney heirs, including Abigail Disney, underscore the family’s commitment to safeguarding Disney’s rich legacy and guiding its future.

Upholding Disney’s Legacy

The heirs emphasized the significance of Disney’s legacy, rooted in the magic of storytelling and the creation of unforgettable experiences for audiences worldwide. They lauded Iger and his management team for their unwavering dedication to preserving this tradition, recognizing their efforts in nurturing Disney’s emotional connection with generations of fans.

Condemnation of Activist Investors

In their letters, the heirs vehemently criticized “activist investors” like Nelson Peltz, portraying them as threats to Disney’s heritage and integrity. They cautioned against the motives of these investors, accusing them of seeking to dismantle the company for personal gain rather than upholding its core values and legacy.

Support for Bob Iger

Expressing unwavering support for Bob Iger, the heirs commended his leadership in steering Disney through modern challenges while maintaining a delicate balance between creativity and profitability. They emphasized Iger’s pivotal role in fostering Disney’s growth and evolution in an ever-changing landscape.

Preserving Walt Disney’s Vision

With a deep reverence for Walt Disney’s vision and values, the heirs underscored their commitment to upholding his legacy. They highlighted the importance of maintaining the integrity and ethos that defined Walt Disney’s creative endeavors, emphasizing the need to honor his memory and contributions to the company.

A Call to Protect Disney’s Future

In a resolute stance against external interference, the heirs urged shareholders to reject the influence of activist investors and safeguard Disney’s future. They emphasized the importance of maintaining continuity and stability in Disney’s leadership to ensure the company’s continued success and prosperity.


The open letters from Disney’s heirs serve as a powerful testament to their unwavering dedication to Disney’s heritage and values. By voicing their support for Bob Iger and condemning the actions of activist investors, they reaffirm their commitment to preserving Disney’s legacy and guiding its future trajectory with integrity and purpose.

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