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Revitalizing History: Red Fort Centre in New Delhi, India

Nestled in the heart of New Delhi, the Red Fort Centre, a testament to architectural restoration and community engagement, breathes new life into a defunct structure within the Red Fort’s premises. Executed by Design Factory India under Dalmia Bharat, the project artfully repurposes a British military barracks, offering visitors a captivating journey through time while respecting the fort’s rich heritage.

Unveiling History’s Layers

Built post the First War of Independence in 1857, the military barracks incorporated materials pillaged from the Red Fort’s original Mughal structures. After years of neglect, the barracks revealed its historical treasures when layers of plaster were meticulously removed. The design strategy of the visitor center seamlessly integrates these discoveries, offering a breathable and immersive space that pays homage to the fort’s multi-layered history.

Restoration and Contemporary Expression

The project’s design revolves around restoration and conservation, channeling ancient materiality deciphered through thorough research. Contemporary design interventions translate the expression of existing structures into a present progressive language. From visual language to customized lighting and furniture design, every detail contributes to preserving the essence of yesteryears and activating spatial experiences.

Empowering Local Expertise

Local materials, including lime, surkhi, jute stalls, bail water, and Badarpur sand, were meticulously chosen to match the ancient texture. The lime surkhi’s color, mirroring the historic texture, will evolve over time, providing a durable yet aesthetically pleasing appearance. Customized bricks, procured from Meerut, and Red Agra Sandstone from Dholpur mines uphold the fort’s original construction methods. Local craftsmanship, with handmade bricks and seasoned wood, ensures the center’s authenticity.

Respecting Monumental Heritage

The design places partitions, furniture, and services at a distance from surfaces, accentuating the restored stone walls. Grazers along the floor protect materials, and markings ensure social distancing. The Infinity room, a kaleidoscopic experience, mirrors etched with Ashok Chakras, and diorama installations invite reflection and introspection. Various exhibits foster a shared sense of pride and patriotism, elevating visitors’ emotions.

Advanced Amenities and Immersive Experiences

The Red Fort Center boasts social spaces, a cafeteria, a 360-degree projection theatre, and augmented reality on the ground floor. The first floor, known as Afsana, narrates the Red Fort’s story through interactive displays, projection mapping, holography, and augmented reality. Visitors embark on a digital travelogue, immersing themselves in historical events, cultural richness, and the fort’s significance in shaping India’s political order.

Building a New India: Interactive Spaces

Live band installations, pledges for a cleaner India, and immersive experiences redefine the Red Fort as more than a photogenic wonder. Projection mapping, holography, and augmented reality create an interactive spectrum, engaging visitors with the nation’s historical narrative. The Red Fort Centre transforms this monument into a universal landmark, celebrating courage, knowledge, and innovation.

In conclusion, the Red Fort Centre not only preserves history but transforms it into a living, breathing testament to India’s rich heritage, inviting visitors to partake in its timeless narrative.

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