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Embracing Nature: Vanke Xi An Club

Vanke Xi An Club, situated on the picturesque shores of Fuxian Lake in Yuxi City, China, stands as a testament to harmony with nature and holistic wellness. Designed by gad architects, with interior design by Matrix Design and landscape by gdi Design, this architectural marvel offers a blend of recreation, training, and wellbeing facilities spread across 4,740 square meters.

Integration with Nature

The project seamlessly integrates with the pristine natural landscape, utilizing the existing topography and majestic views of Fuxian Lake. Leveraging the terrain’s natural slopes, the design gracefully extends downward, minimizing ecological impact. The undulating roof mimics the gentle waves of the lake, creating a harmonious dialogue with the surrounding environment.

Modular Spatial Design

Vanke Xi An Club employs a modular approach to spatial design, utilizing box-like structures to house various amenities such as a swimming pool, yoga room, gym center, library, art gallery, and a coffee shop. These modular units not only conceal equipment but also define boundaries and guide flow seamlessly. Each area’s unique shape facilitates the integration of spa, fitness, entertainment, reading, and art exhibition spaces, offering users a cohesive and immersive experience.

Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Connection

A hallmark of the design is the blurred boundary between interior and exterior spaces. Expansive glass curtain walls invite natural light and panoramic views of the lake, while multiple sunlight patios bathe the interior in warmth and brightness. This open spatial arrangement allows light and air to permeate freely, fostering a sense of tranquility akin to being in a natural cave.

Conclusion: A Haven of Wellness

Vanke Xi An Club stands as a sanctuary where architecture, landscape, and wellness converge harmoniously. By embracing nature and promoting a seamless indoor-outdoor experience, this architectural gem offers a holistic retreat for recreation, training, and wellbeing amidst the serene beauty of Fuxian Lake.

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