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A Monument of Community: One Tree Hill Community Hall

In 2015, Samira Rathod Design Atelier (SRDA) embarked on a journey to create a lasting tribute to land and legacy in Byrasandra, Hosur. Initiated by Mr. HRS Rao, an 88-year-old visionary, the Byrasandra Community Hall was conceived as a monument transcending time. Serving as a living memory of a man’s connection to his land, the community center stands proudly in the scenic landscape of Hosur, paying homage to its beloved patron.

A Vision Ignited: A Unique Encounter Shapes Destiny

The project’s origins trace back to an unexpected encounter between SRDA and Mr. HRS Rao. Drawn by a newspaper feature showcasing SRDA’s work, Mr. Rao, an 88-year-old Harvard alumnus, expressed his fervent wish to dedicate a building to his birthplace. This encounter sparked a collaboration marked by mutual trust and occasional design disagreements. Despite Mr. Rao’s passing at 93, his vision lives on through the Byrasandra Community Hall.

Site Inspiration: Granite Terrains and Banyan Serenity

Situated two hours from Bangalore airport, the site captivates with granite-rich terrains, adobe houses, and marigold fields. The majestic banyan tree, chosen as a meeting point, became a symbol of Mr. Rao’s aspiration – a monumental structure akin to the iconic Victoria Terminus in Mumbai. The landscape, punctuated by granite patterns, laid the foundation for a design deeply rooted in its natural and cultural context.

Cultural Integration: Design Reflects Tradition

Byrasandra’s cultural tapestry profoundly influenced the community hall’s design. Aligned with a sacred shrine, the building now hosts community events. Narratives from the community seamlessly merged with creative ideas, resulting in a design inspired by traditional Indian temple architecture. SRDA’s philosophy of unfolding experiences through architecture is evident, with every detail contributing to the sensory richness of the space.

Sustainable Design: BLIRS Philosophy in Action

Adhering to the sustainability philosophy of BLIRS (Beautiful, Lasting, Indigenous, Recycled, Small-scale), SRDA utilized local granite, indigenous techniques, recycled materials, and small-scale construction elements. Local Muslim craftsmen played a pivotal role in crafting the stonework, fostering teamwork, personal connections, and pride in their contribution. The One Tree Hill Community Hall embodies a shared space philosophy, standing as a visual landmark that instills pride and ownership among the villagers.

Legacy of Passion and Collaboration

More than a mere structure, the One Tree Hill Community Hall reflects the dedication of Mr. HRS Rao and the collaborative spirit of SRDA. Enriched by the natural beauty of the site and the community’s stories, it stands as a testament to collective pride and ownership. Byrasandra now possesses a building crafted for and by its people, a symbol of enduring community spirit. As the hall awaits active engagement from the villagers, time will unfold the true impact of this architectural legacy.

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